Breakout Session

Discussion Group Assignment

Salon 1 Salon 3 Ballroom D Ballroom D
Mazumder (leader)   Malik (leader)  Cong (leader)  Brayton (leader)  
Joyner Arvind Banerjee 
Roychowdhury Shyu Heath Irwin
Myers Scheffer
Qadeer Kuehlmann
Clarke Hibbeler
Cheng Lipton
Rutenbar Majumdar Ramachandran Kannan
Venkatasubramanian Seger Markov Jess
  Basu Zuck  

Topics for discussions

    Agency support for EDA (focus for Mazumder Group)

    1. What are the lessons (successes and failures) learned from the past that should guide us in the future
      1. Evolution of EDA
      2. How has EDA been supported in the past
      3. How to support it in the future as it meets new challenges.
    2. Why not let engineering support EDA - let industry solve these problems?
      1. Combat the perception that CISE in tending to core computer science disciplines and EDA is not just practice but a combination of theory and practice.
    3. What kind of support should NSF CISE offer for boost basic EDA research?

    R & D (focus for Malik group)

    1. What are the key EDA challenges for the future?
    2. How to better bridge the gap between academic and industrial R&D of EDA?
    3. How can we re-engage the theory/algorithm community to participate in the EDA research? 
      1. What was the reason that we lost them in the past two decades?
      2. Is the size of the design problems of the future shutting out applicable theories?
      3. What theories can best be applicable in the future?

    EDA and emerging/adjacent technologies (focus for Cong group)

    1. What is EDA - characterize EDA to the uninitiated?
      1. Perhaps it is not clear to people not in the field just what EDA encompasses, its scope, methodologies, theory and practice. We would like a statement (concise?) to help explain this to people.
    2. Which emerging areas can best profit from EDA technology?
      1. This takes off from the previous question
    3. Which aspects of EDA are most readily transferable to adjacent disciplines?

    Educational Aspects  (focus for Brayton group)

    1. Core curriculum for EDA
      1. When should students be exposed- undergrad or grad
    2. Advice for new students - how to sell it, combat misconceptions
      1. Enter EDA at your own risk? - companies are failing?
      2. Jobs will still be there
      3. Combines theory and practice
      4. Too much of a service organization?
    3. Good news and bad news for EDA?
      1. Put current situation for EDA into perspective.